From the origin of the raw materials to the factory gate: what is the environmental impact of Amorim Cork Composites' products?
It was this question that we wanted to answer by individually analyzing some of our products. All the solutions under study presented a negative carbon balance, when considering the CO2 sequestration of the cork oak forest and the emissions associated with its industrial process.
We attribute the "Negative Carbon Balance" seal to these products, which certifies that when considering the carbon sequestration of cork oak forests, the production of Amorim Cork Composites' products has a positive impact on climate regulation.
Carbon Balance ≠ Carbon Footprint
Carbon Balance
The carbon balance is the result of a scenario analysis, incorporated into the carbon footprint study, which simulates the inclusion of carbon sequestration associated with the entire cork oak forest ecosystem and cannot, without internationally recognized methodology, be considered for an offset.
The link between carbon sequestration in the cork oak forest and the product's carbon footprint is simulated through the analysis of carbon sequestration scenarios that can be associated with cork products. Cork production is undoubtedly the main economic activity of an exploited cork oak forest. In this way, it can be argued that cork processing companies are a driving force in creating economic interest for cork oak forest owners to continue farming. Reflecting the spirit of the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rule (PEFCR) for the wine sector, which states that the carbon contained in cork oaks should be included in the analysis as additional environmental information, since their carbon storage exceeds 100 years.
Carbon sequestration capacity varies according to the type of forest, its condition, soil and climate conditions and how it is managed by the owners. The maximum recorded value of 14.7 t CO2/ha, corresponding to -73t CO2 per ton of cork, was achieved at Herdade da Machoqueira do Grou, in a year of very favorable environmental conditions, illustrating the close link between the value of services, climatic conditions and management practices.
Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint is defined as the total emissions caused by an individual, event, organization or product, expressed in tons of CO2 or CO2 equivalent per year.
It includes direct emissions, such as those resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels in manufacturing, heating and transportation, as well as the emissions required to produce the electricity associated with the goods and services consumed. In addition, the concept of carbon footprint also often includes emissions of other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
There are several different tools for calculating carbon footprints for individuals, companies and other organizations.
The methodologies commonly used to calculate an organization's carbon footprint are internationally recognized and include the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, from the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and ISO 14064, which deals specifically with greenhouse gas emissions and is consistent with the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards for life cycle assessment.
Amorim Cork Composites' Products
Amorim Footcork
• Amorim Footcork® Evolution: -8,2 kg CO₂eq/ m2 -
Sports Surfaces
Amorim Sports
• Amorim Sports Nature infills: -72,5kg CO₂e/kg -
Korko Building Blocks
• 20 pieces: -19,88kg CO₂eq
• 40 pieces: -39,75kg CO₂eq
• 60 pieces: -59,59kg CO₂eq -
• U36: -13.6 kg CO₂ eq/ m2
• U38: -24.5 kg CO₂ eq/ m2 -
Pre-attached underlay + Top Layer
• NRT®62: -11,8 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• NRT®62 VB: -10,5 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• NRT®94: -39,3 kg CO₂eq/ m2 -
• Fusion: -14,2 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• Fusion VB: -13,45 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• Nature: -12,4 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• Nature VB: -12,0 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• Plus: -8,1 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• Plus VB: -7,8 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• Blend with Nike Grind VB: -5,6 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• T10 Essence: -18,6 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• T10 Essence VB: -18,0 kg CO₂eq/ m2
• T56 Endurance VB: -5,2 kg CO₂eq/ m2
For additional information on carbon sequestration potential, please access here.
Check the reports here
Underlay Go4Cork Fusion and Fusion VB - EY study: Underlay Go4Cork Fusion Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Go4Cork Nature and Nature VB - EY study: Underlay Go4Cork Nature Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Go4Cork Plus and Plus VB - EY study: Underlay Go4Cork Plus and Plus VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Blend with Nike Grind VB - EY study: Underlay Blend with Nike Grind VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Acousticork T10 Essence and T10 Essence VB - EY study: Underlay Acousticork T10 Essence and T10 Essence VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2021 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Acousticork T56 Endurance VB - EY study: Underlay Endurance VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2021 (cradle-to-gate)
Underscreed Acousticork U36 and U38 - The Life Cycle Assessment study of the Underscreeds Acousticork U36 and U38 was carried out by Itecons, with the aim of determining the environmental impact of the underscreeds U36 [6/3], U36 [8/4], U38 [12/6] and U38 [17/8] produced by Amorim Cork Composites, in order to obtain 2 Environmental Product Declarations, which are available in the EPD system.
Pre-attached underlay NRT®62 and NRT®62 VB - EY Study: Pre-attached underlay NRT62 and NRT 62 VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Top Layer NRT®94 - EY study: Top Layer NRT 94® Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Footcork® Evolution - EY study: Footcork®Evolution Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Corkeen - EY study: Corkeen Environmental Footprint, 2022 (cradle-to-gate)
Amorim Sports Nature Infills - The study was based on a tool specifically developed by PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers, which makes it possible to estimate the Carbon Footprint associated to granules produced from cork and cork waste, from the management phase of the cork oak forest, transport of these raw materials, processing and packaging, to the factory gate, using the Cradle-to-Gate approach (which does not include transport, application or end-of-life destination).
Korko’s Building Blocks (20, 40 and 60 pieces) - Life cycle assessment (LCA) conducted by Itecons – the Institute of Research and Technological Development for Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability.