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Cork sealing solutions for hydrogen

Cork sealing solutions for hydrogen

Amorim Cork Composites is part of various working groups that aim to develop new industrial processes that will ensure the applicability and extensive provision of hydrogen solutions.

Production of hydrogen has been touted as a strong possibility for accelerating the green energy transition, by facilitating the storage of clean energy and long-distance transport of large volumes, via pipelines and shipping vessels. Several projects and studies have emerged in this context, involving new technologies for the entire hydrogen value chain, from production to distribution and final applications.

Over recent years, Amorim Cork Composites, through its Amorim Tech Seal range, has been supplying high-performance solutions used to seal different types of gases. These solutions have been specially developed and tested to withstand applications in various environments, protecting against gas leaks or preventing the entry of external elements into the systems.

As a result of the emergence of hydrogen as a clean energy source, Amorim Cork Composites has joined various working groups that aim to develop new industrial processes that will ensure the applicability and extensive provision of hydrogen solutions, guaranteeing their efficiency and safety. The company's role in these working groups is to adapt and develop new cork composite solutions that are ideal for sealing hydrogen, which behaves differently from natural gas, and therefore it is necessary to adapt and/or develop infrastructures, systems and safety standards. Hydrogen’s dispersion behavior is also different from other gases, due to the small size of the hydrogen atoms, which may increase the sealing challenges.

ILLIANCE project

One of the projects involving Amorim Cork Composites is the ILLIANCE project - an innovation project for sustainability and industrialization, which focuses, among other things, on the development of new hydrogen solutions. This is an EU-funded project, involving players from different sectors, that aims to respond to the energy transition and the need to improve efficiency in the air conditioning sector through the use of new sustainable energy sources. Within this project, Amorim Cork Composites is responsible for developing cork composites for coating and sealing hydrogen storage systems.

The company is also member of a European working group that is contributing to the development of basic requirements for the use of hydrogen in conjunction with relevant organizations. Certification of these materials is still at an embryonic stage and the requirements used for hydrogen applications are still unclear.

Amorim Cork Composites' commitment to developing sealing solutions for hydrogen reinforces the company's position as an active participant in the energy sector’s evolution towards more sustainable alternatives.

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