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Negativer Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck

Produkte von Amorim Cork Composites mit negativer Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck

Why Cork

Kohlenstoff-Bilanz ≠ Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck

Amorim Cork Composites Produkte

Weitere Informationen über das Potenzial zur Kohlenstoffbindung finden Sie hier.

Check the reports here

Underlay Go4Cork Fusion and Fusion VB - EY study: Underlay Go4Cork Fusion Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Go4Cork Nature and Nature VB -
EY study: Underlay Go4Cork Nature Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Go4Cork Plus and Plus VB -  EY study: Underlay Go4Cork Plus and Plus VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Blend with Nike Grind VB - EY study: Underlay Blend with Nike Grind VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Acousticork T10 Essence and T10 Essence VB - EY study: Underlay Acousticork T10 Essence and T10 Essence VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2021 (cradle-to-gate)
Underlay Acousticork T56 Endurance VB - EY study: Underlay Endurance VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2021 (cradle-to-gate)

Underscreed Acousticork U36 and U38 - The Life Cycle Assessment study of the Underscreeds Acousticork U36 and U38 was carried out by Itecons, with the aim of determining the environmental impact of the underscreeds U36 [6/3], U36 [8/4], U38 [12/6] and U38 [17/8] produced by Amorim Cork Composites, in order to obtain 2 Environmental Product Declarations, which are available in the EPD system.

Pre-attached underlay NRT®62 and NRT®62 VB - EY Study: Pre-attached underlay NRT62 and NRT 62 VB Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)
Top Layer NRT®94 - EY study: Top Layer NRT 94® Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)

Footcork® Evolution - EY study: Footcork®Evolution Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2020 (cradle-to-gate)

Corkeen - EY study: Corkeen Carbon Footprint Analysis, 2021 (cradle-to-gate)

Amorim Sports Nature Infills - The study was based on a tool specifically developed by PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers, which makes it possible to estimate the Carbon Footprint associated to granules produced from cork and cork waste, from the management phase of the cork oak forest, transport of these raw materials, processing and packaging, to the factory gate, using the Cradle-to-Gate approach (which does not include transport, application or end-of-life destination).

Korko’s Building Blocks (20, 40 and 60 pieces) - Life cycle assessment (LCA) conducted by Itecons – the Institute of Research and Technological Development for Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability.