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Amorim Cork Composites' ReVALUE Circular Economy Program aims to foster a more sustainable future, by recycling items previously considered to be waste into new products. By being part of ReVALUE, you are contributing to the reforestation of the cork oak forest. For each ton of material, we will plant 1 cork oak tree.

“For the Kyaia group, it is essential to guarantee a better planet for future generations. We place great importance on waste collection and, in this context, are grateful for the opportunity given to us by Amorim Cork Composites by collecting the surplus from our footwear production, which will be used in new products and thereby contribute to the sustainability of the Planet. The Kyaia group will always provide support for such initiatives, for the common good.”

Fortunato O. Frederico & Ca. , Lda.


    Identify surplus waste in your production process.

    The ReVALUE programme receives excess sheets, rolls, plates and blocks of any type – ranging from natural cork to cork with rubber.

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    Separate the materials you want to send to the ReVALUE programme.

    Create a sample and send it to Amorim Cork Composites for evaluation.

    The quantities should be defined by Amorim Cork Composites' team.

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  • 3. COLLECT

    After the sample validation, separate the materials by type and prepare the shipment, in accordance with the conditions stipulated by Amorim Cork Composites.

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    The materials received will be re-incorporated into the production process.

    In this way, we will jointly be able to complete the production cycle and contribute to a more sustainable, waste-free planet.

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    By reincorporating these raw materials into the production process, we encourage the development of new market solutions and products, without the need to use virgin raw materials.

    The planet will be grateful.


    For each ton of material received within the ReVALUE project, we will plant 1 cork oak tree.

    During their lives, these cork oak trees will sequester many tons of CO2 – making a valuable contribution to combating climate change.


By joining the ReVALUE program, you are helping value the entire product as a raw material and thereby building a more sustainable planet. Join our commitment to sustainability:

We are part of the Global 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders

We are member of the Business Council for Sustainable Development 

We are strategic aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 

We have multiple products with Negative Carbon Balance 


Did you know that...?

In 2023, as part of the ReVALUE project, Amorim Cork Composites...

- Planted 604 new cork oaks;
- Received 1.670,463 tons of sub product materials to valorization.

Thank you for being part of this initiative!

*Plantation: Result of the material collection until June 2023 | Material receivement: Fom January to December 2023
Amorim Group Revalue

Sustainable by Nature

Know more about our Sustainable approach and commitment.

Would you like to join ReVALUE program?

Let us know your details and we'll get back to you.
