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Corticeira Amorim presents its Sustainability Report

Corticeira Amorim presents its Sustainability Report

Corticeira Amorim publishes its ninth Sustainability Report for 2014 and 2015. Blog

Corticeira Amorim publishes its ninth Sustainability Report for 2014 and 2015, concerning its economic, social and environmental performance.

This information is presented based on the G4 directives of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for the Core level.

In order to meet the new GRI directives, in version 4, Corticeira Amorim built a materiality matrix based on the results of the stakeholder consultation (performed in 2015) and on the importance of the different sustainability topics for the company.

As a result of the materiality analysis, the most important topics for Corticeira Amorim and for its stakeholders are Economic Performance, Research & Development and Innovation, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change and Human Capital Management. Given their importance to the company, the topics of Biodiversity (Sustainable Cork Management) and Occupational Hygiene and Safety were considered relevant for purposes of this report.


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