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3 results found egger

01 . Sep . 2022

Founded in 1961 in Austria, the EGGER Group is a global leader in the manufacture of wood-based materials for furniture, interior design, the flooring industry and construction products. Photos' credits: EGGER

31 . Jul . 2017
Michael Gerbl, Egger

Eight years ago (2009), we were thinking about what we could do better to offer to the end consumer and we found that we should offer something more quiet, comfortable, and warm. In this respect, we could provide these features by including cork in our wood floors. We thought about how to get layers to include in our p…

21 . Apr . 2022
Michael Gerbl, Egger

Eight years ago (2009), we were thinking about what we could do better to offer to the end consumer and we found that we should offer something more quiet, comfortable, and warm. In this respect, we could provide these features by including cork in our wood floors. We thought about how to get layers to include in our p…


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