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New tool for Panels & Composites

New tool for Panels & Composites


Learn more about our new Multilayer Panel Simulator and how this tool will help your business

The new Multilayer Panel Simulator (MPS) is a tool developed by Amorim Cork Composites to simulate the acoustic isolation of a multilayer panel, focusing on two main solutions:

Core Simulation, after already identified the acoustic isolation needed and the material intended to use in the structural layers. Based on this information, MPS will simulate the best core solution for the construction of a multilayer panel.



Performance Simulation, after already identified the materials of all the layers, based on this information, MPS will simulate the multilayer panel acoustic isolation.

This new simulator is a highly intuitive customized design solution, which uses simple graphics to help you in the selection process.

This tool has been specially developed using our market-orientated techniques. We believe that this tool will provide our clients with a better understanding of the impact of the combination of materials that they want to use to achieve a certain performance or help them to find the right materials for the application that they want to use, in order to achieve the best acoustic isolation performance. In function of your project’s final objective and the multiple combination of materials and applications you seek, this tool offers the best solution to attain your final objective.



MPS: Multilayer Panel Simulator

Specially developed to simulate the acoustic isolation of a multilayer panel.

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