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R&D Projects

R&D Projects

We operate in association with other companies and platforms to develop new products. Innovation


CoMMute project has developed a prototype of modular and multifunctional floating flooring for regional and intercity railway cars, using materials with low environmental impact.

This solution makes it possible to cut total installation costs and guarantees greater comfort for passengers by delivering improved thermal and acoustic insulation and less vibration, without increasing weight. Use of cork played a decisive role in attaining these performance levels.

The flooring prototype also includes a smart system capable of performing self-diagnosis of failures, with sensors that compile a set of relevant data for railway operators.

CoMMute is developed by a consortium formed by Amorim Cork Composites, MCG, ITeCons, Critical Materials, and train car manufacturers, and is supported by Portugal's “COMPETE 2020 – Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization in the framework of the technological research and development incentive scheme”.

Consortium: Amorim Cork Composites, Itecons, Critical Materials, MCG, and light rail car manufacturers.

Crushable TPS

Development and functional testing of an innovative protection system that will simultaneously perform structural and thermal functions, allowing the re-entry process of space capsules to Earth to be simplified. This system will combine the capacity to absorb impact energy on landing and the capacity to support the thermal loads generated during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. The solution combining both characteristics allows for a high performance system and a number of significant simplifications in re-entry modules, reducing cost, and increasing reliability. The solution under development will be based on a new system composed of a composite material (with a high percentage of cork), extending the application of this material to structures with higher requirements in the aerospace sector (an industry that has already been using cork for several decades).

Consortium: Amorim Cork Composites, PIEP, ISQ, European Space Agency


This project aims to create an innovative frame system, based on the development of aluminum profiles with thermal cut that break with the traditional concept of aluminum windows.

Contrary to the majority of solutions available on the market, thermal cutting will not be carried out using polyamides or other materials derived from petroleum. The Corkal project solution aims to incorporate an innovative insulating material that will promote thermal cutting and excellent thermal and acoustic performance, while aiming to contribute to the sustainability of the solution.

The differentiation of this system focuses on the implementation of a new window assembly concept. The window assembly process that we intend to develop will also facilitate the process of separating and recycling materials, taking into account its end of life.

Project title | CorkAL: Development of sustainable thermal solutions for aluminum frames and natural cork composite

Project code | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033814 / LISBON-01-0247-FEDER-033814

Main objective | OT 1 - Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Intervention region | Lisbon Region, Coimbra Region and North Region

Beneficiary | Amorim Cork Composites

Approval date | 4/10/2018

Start date | 06/01/2018

Completion date | 05/31/2021

Total eligible cost | 915,323.69 EUR

European Union financial support | 302,896.57 EUR

National / regional public financial support | 179,372.35 EUR


The SprayCork project aims to develop new coatings based on the removal of cork in the liquid dispersion for spray application. It aims to obtain two types of products, with different purposes:

  • The first will be a decorative covering for furniture, capable of giving or aspiring visual and touching characteristics of cork, for application in industrial line
  • The second will be a thermal insulation coating, applicable to the location of building facades or other types of structures, including surfaces involved.

Both products will allow Amorim Cork Composites to reinforce its position as an agent of innovation in the marketing of value added products applied to cork, in addition to protecting penetration in new market areas.

Project title | SprayCork - Development of projected cork coverings

Project code | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039981

Main objective | OT 1 - Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Intervention region | North region; Center Region

Beneficiary | Amorim Cork Composites

Forecast date | 29/04/2019

Start date | 07/01/2019

Completion date | 12/21/28

Total eligible cost | 759,934.17 EUR

European Union financial support | 479,086.06 EUR

National / regional public financial support | N/A


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